My illness: Emphysema

What Is Emphysema? Emphysema is a degenerative disease that usually develops after many years of assault on lung tissues from cigarette smoke or other toxins that pollute the air. These toxins destroy the small air sacs in the lungs, called alveoli, that stretch as they transport oxygen from the air to the blood and then shrink as they force out carbon dioxide. As a result, the lungs lose their elasticity, and exhaling becomes difficult as the damaged lungs trap air and cannot effectively exchange it with fresh air. As the damage progresses, the effort needed to breathe increases and, ultimately, each breath becomes labored. (Illustration provided by the American Medical Association.) Emphysema is one of a group of lung diseases referred to as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that can interfere with normal breathing. Other diseases that come under COPD include asthma and chronic bronchitis. According to the American Lung Association (ALA), nearly 16 million Americans are estimated to suffer from some form of COPD, and COPD is the fourth-ranking cause of death just behind heart ailments, cancers, and stroke.

Saturday, 29 December 2007

About xmas & my next official eo patch...

Deep down I'm a big kid at heart especially around xmas.
But when xmas is over I do feel just a bit down in the dumps. plans for my next official eo patch may take some time in making...I'll be naming it 'The Ultimate Devil Patch', which what I'll be doing is I will be adding a devil suit (minus the tux) to every male/female outfits, I know some of you guys are thinking "Why not just change the normal skins to devil skins?".
Answer: Yeah I could but then I would have to change the facial expressions and I would need a way to work around the tail.
Because armour basically get's put on top of the naked skin picture and imagine what that would be like putting armour over a naked skin picture with a tail, as the armour would cover half of the tail.

Wednesday, 26 December 2007

New eo Patch planned (by Me)...

3 of my friends have requested changes to be made to create a certain patch so I shall do all of these on one patch.
1 friend wants Red Dress as a Panda suit, 1 wants Oron as devil while another wants Cleric as a to save confusion on that I think I should change the colour of one of the devil outfits...maybe to red.

Monday, 24 December 2007

My Xmas Patch v1.2

Since Christmas is now officially just around the corner I wont have enough time to add anymore touches to my xmas patch so I'll have to leave anymore changes to my xmas patch next year perhaps.
It wont be the last patch I do though, I'm sure I'll either do more holiday patches or just plain random patches...who knows?
Anywho here's screenshots of what's been done:

Plaot Robes & xmas hats (Male & Female hats) have been changed in colour to match...a nice shade of red with a white trim.

HOD's (Male & Female) have been given xmas hats.

Health Pot's both Small & Big have been edited to look like the colour of Egg Nog.

Sunday, 23 December 2007

Friday 21st Dec

I was at my mate's house all day flat sitting and watching his sister's dog.
I was watching his flat coz someone tried breaking into it and probably would've taken my mate's new slim DVD player and his brother's Xbox 360.
Was on my own with his sister's dog for about 4 hours til his brother came back from work and he then gave me half a glass of apple flavoured beer (from Poland), it was quite nice actually.
Later that day I was drunk after having 3 shots of Vodka & 2 and a half cans of beer.
It was pretty much one hectic night though, I gave my mate's sister & hug for comfort and later gave her another one before I left for home to wish her a happy xmas.

Monday, 17 December 2007

EO Xmas Patch update

I've moved my xmas patch update's to being posted on here since they were too much whining & complaining over me doing something good for the eo community.

Big Health pots got changed into Big Egg nog health pots (small pots will soon follow).
The female's red dress will have a small adjustment done too it as they'll be a white stripe added to the bottom of the skirt.


Hey watchers, I'm not going to baffle on in my blog just about eo but about what goes on in my life that I'm willing to share (it is a blog after all) lol.

Also any EO'ers that happen to stop by can feel free to sign a petition on Nezlo's blog (located to your right), for the admins to give us back the ability to have password recovery again.

About Mugen...

Mugen is a fighting game for the PC where you can download & add ANY fighters you want, whether they're from Streetfighter, Mortal Kombat, Marvel, DC, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Dragon Ball Z and various Anime's and more, you can even add stages and theme music for that stage.I currently have a tool that allows me to edit colours of any character I want, I also know how to change the character's name's and the sizes of the characters, I also have a tool that'll let me create my own Mugen character which I hope to do at some point, what you'll need is the Mugen Character Maker, a sprite sheet for the character you want to create and sounds for the moves they do (like "HADOUKEN/SHO-RYU-KEN" for Ryu/Ken for instance).

Many people have made their own Mugen's available to download so you can either choose to make your own from scratch or download a pre-made one by someone else.
You can find several pre-made Mugen's at
