My illness: Emphysema

What Is Emphysema? Emphysema is a degenerative disease that usually develops after many years of assault on lung tissues from cigarette smoke or other toxins that pollute the air. These toxins destroy the small air sacs in the lungs, called alveoli, that stretch as they transport oxygen from the air to the blood and then shrink as they force out carbon dioxide. As a result, the lungs lose their elasticity, and exhaling becomes difficult as the damaged lungs trap air and cannot effectively exchange it with fresh air. As the damage progresses, the effort needed to breathe increases and, ultimately, each breath becomes labored. (Illustration provided by the American Medical Association.) Emphysema is one of a group of lung diseases referred to as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that can interfere with normal breathing. Other diseases that come under COPD include asthma and chronic bronchitis. According to the American Lung Association (ALA), nearly 16 million Americans are estimated to suffer from some form of COPD, and COPD is the fourth-ranking cause of death just behind heart ailments, cancers, and stroke.

Saturday, 31 January 2009

My thoughts...

Well I've been through quite a bit of mad shit recently (read one of my older blogs).
Their has been many other sitings in the UK of UFO's in areas close by me.

Eo & YFL:
Sure it maybe a little fun having duped items/gold even for a limited period but it has it's draw backs too, it could render all the items that all the folk on eo have worked hard to get as useless/worthless.
Also YFL get way too much credit...sure, hats off to them for challenging Vult and pin pointing weaknesses in the server for Vult to realise what went wrong,
but sure enough YFL might not see that from this point of view as more to manipulating the Eo's server to work to their advantage, but like I said "it also has it draw backs", for instance: Eo used to be full of hackers/cheaters all over the place so wasn't as easy as it is now for Vult to find the culprits, but now the most majority of cheaters/hackers are joining YFL, and there you have it Vult, the one's who fuck up eo even more are now most likely in YFL.

PS3 Vs Xbox 360 Vs Wii:
I'm sure I may have made this topic before, but let's say this is an update.
Now I have all 3 consoles so I know what I'm talking about.

Xbox 360: We have Microsoft who are well known for being money greeding bastards most of the time, they rushed in releasing the Xbox 360, leaving most of these consoles with faults.
Most Xbox 360 consoles will break down within 2/3 months of being purchased and used, and what frustrates me even more is that Microsoft have used what they call "avatars" which looks like an exact rip off of Nintendo's Mii's.

Wii: Now although the Nintendo Wii has an impressive Wii-mote and quite addictive games, it does also lack the impressive graphics that the 360 & the PS3 have.
The graphics for the Nintendo Wii appears to be more kiddish than realistic, but Nintendo have done well to keep this fact unoticeable to Nintendo fans out there with their addictive games, so curse you Nintendo for releasing addictive games such as Animal Crossing, My Sims, Mario Kart & Super Smash Bros Brawl.

PS3: Now I'm going to do alot of comparing the Playstation 3 to the Xbox 360 here.

Q: Does the Xbox 360 have a built in WiFi?
A: No, you have to fork out £50+ for one, where as the PS3 comes with one built in.

Q: Can you download free Xbox 360 theme's off the internet and store them onto your console?
A: No, however you can with a Playstation 3.

Q: Which is more reliable? The Xbox 360 or the PS3?
A: Haha, the Playstation 3 hands down, but the Nintendo Wii is more reliable than them both.

Q: Can you buy an Xbox 360 hard drive that's over 60gb?
A: I've read that it seems the highest the 360's hard drive's can go is 200gb, however with the Playstation 3 you can buy a PC hard drive for it, I did, it was 40gb at first, now it's 320gb.


About Mugen...

Mugen is a fighting game for the PC where you can download & add ANY fighters you want, whether they're from Streetfighter, Mortal Kombat, Marvel, DC, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Dragon Ball Z and various Anime's and more, you can even add stages and theme music for that stage.I currently have a tool that allows me to edit colours of any character I want, I also know how to change the character's name's and the sizes of the characters, I also have a tool that'll let me create my own Mugen character which I hope to do at some point, what you'll need is the Mugen Character Maker, a sprite sheet for the character you want to create and sounds for the moves they do (like "HADOUKEN/SHO-RYU-KEN" for Ryu/Ken for instance).

Many people have made their own Mugen's available to download so you can either choose to make your own from scratch or download a pre-made one by someone else.
You can find several pre-made Mugen's at
